Wednesday 22 March 2017

Remove Dental Plaque At Home In Just 5 Minutes!!!

Ever thought of a home remedy that can easily remove that tacky yellowish substance from your teeth? Well, if not, then we are here with simple home remedies that can remove your plaque easily. Getting rid of the plaque frequently is important because they lead to gum infections that can create many dental complications. So here are effective ways to take away dental plaque at home: –

                                   Step 1
Instead of paying regular visit to a dentist you can get rid of them at home only. The first step is to take a half cup of water and nutshell flour. The nutshell flour taken must be of 60 gram. No more, no less. Blend the combination so well that it softens in the water.
                                   Step 2

Next step is to turn on the stove or electric hob on low flame. Place the pot on the hob or stove. Now pour the mixture of water and nutshell into the pot. Let the mixture heat for about 10 minutes. After that, let it cool down and turn the stove off.

Step 3
Once the pot gets cool down, open it. Make sure that the mixture looks like a paste and should also have the consistency as that of a paste after cooling down. Your final step is to apply the paste on your teeth using a spare toothbrush. Keep applying for 5 minutes and finally rinse it off.

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