Apple has launched a new version of its 9.7-inch iPad with Retina display, at a starting price of $329 (roughly Rs 21,400). While the 32GB Wi-Fi model is priced at $329, its Wi-Fi+Cellular model carries a price tag of $459 (approximately Rs 30,000). The new iPad is an upgraded version of the 2014 model, and comes with improved cameras, better processor and the latest version of iOS.
The newly-launched iPad will be available for pre-order in the US from March 24, with shipping commencing from next week. It will also be made available in India in April this year. For now, some of the countries that will be getting the new 9.7-inch iPad are Australia, Canada, China, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Italy, Japan, Netherlands, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the UK. Apple is also selling the Polyurethane Smart Covers for the new iPad at $39.
Apple has also upgraded its iPad Mini 4. The tablet now comes with more internal storage at the same price. The 128GB Wi-Fi model costs $399 (approximately Rs 26,000), while the 128GB Wi-Fi+Cellular model starts at $529 (about Rs 34,500).
Available in Silver, Gold and Space Gray colour variants, Apple’s 9.7-inch iPad sports an aluminium unibody enclosure and a Retina display with 2048×1536 pixel resolution. It is powered by Apple’s A9 chipset with 64-bit architecture, along with the M9 motion co-processor.
There’s an 8MP rear autofocus camera with f/2.4 aperture, 5P lens and several shooting modes including Panorama, Timer, Hybrid IR Filter, Auto Image Stabilization and more. The camera can record Full HD resolution video at 30fps and slo-mo videos at 120fps. The 9.7-inch iPad also has a 1.2MP FaceTime HD camera with f/2.2 aperture and HD video recording.
The new iPad supports Wi-Fi 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac, Bluetooth v4.2, GPS, Glonass and LTE bands (for WiFi+Cellular). There’s also a fingerprint sensor embedded into the Home button.
The newly-launched iPad will be available for pre-order in the US from March 24, with shipping commencing from next week. It will also be made available in India in April this year. For now, some of the countries that will be getting the new 9.7-inch iPad are Australia, Canada, China, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Italy, Japan, Netherlands, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the UK. Apple is also selling the Polyurethane Smart Covers for the new iPad at $39.
Apple has also upgraded its iPad Mini 4. The tablet now comes with more internal storage at the same price. The 128GB Wi-Fi model costs $399 (approximately Rs 26,000), while the 128GB Wi-Fi+Cellular model starts at $529 (about Rs 34,500).
Available in Silver, Gold and Space Gray colour variants, Apple’s 9.7-inch iPad sports an aluminium unibody enclosure and a Retina display with 2048×1536 pixel resolution. It is powered by Apple’s A9 chipset with 64-bit architecture, along with the M9 motion co-processor.
There’s an 8MP rear autofocus camera with f/2.4 aperture, 5P lens and several shooting modes including Panorama, Timer, Hybrid IR Filter, Auto Image Stabilization and more. The camera can record Full HD resolution video at 30fps and slo-mo videos at 120fps. The 9.7-inch iPad also has a 1.2MP FaceTime HD camera with f/2.2 aperture and HD video recording.
The new iPad supports Wi-Fi 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac, Bluetooth v4.2, GPS, Glonass and LTE bands (for WiFi+Cellular). There’s also a fingerprint sensor embedded into the Home button.
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